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212 page (slide) Veterinary DVM UNIQUE ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY Presentation on CD

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Unique Anatomy and Physiology of Laboratory Animals CPT Todd Collins DVM, MPH, Diplomate ACVPM Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Division of Veterinary Medicine Originally Presented by: MAJ Michael Bonhage – NOV 2004 OUTLINE MOUSE RAT RABBIT SWINE DOGS NHP BREAK HAMSTERS GUINEA PIGS GERBILS CATS FERRETS SMALL RUMINANTS AMPHIBIANS FISH BIRDS REPTILES REFERENCES Mus musculus Vibrissae Mystacia Submental Superciliary Genal Interramal Brown fat Harderian Gland Feet 5 toes each foot 1st digit in front lacks middle phalanx Walking pads rudimentary sweat glands Salivary Glands 3 pairs Submandibular (submaxillary), serous, sexual dimorphic Sublingual, mucous Parotid, mucous Von Ebner’s Gland Stomach Vermiform Appendix None Kidneys Unipapillate Sexually dimorphic Sexing Anogenital distance Male No nipples Os penis Female Five pair of nipples and mammary glands Os clitoris Paired Clitoral glands Orbital Venous Plexus Tonsils Lack Palatine tonsil Lack Pharyngeal tonsil Adrenals Sexually dimorphic Cortex has no zona reticularis Rattus norvegicus Vibrissae Mystacia Submental Superciliary Genal Interramal Brown Fat Harderian Gland Zymbal’s Gland Feet 5 toes each foot 1st digit in front lacks middle phalanx Tibia and fibula fused distil Stomach Brunner’s Glands Duodenal glands Submucossa of duodenum In humans Other GI Features Vermiform appendix No gallbladder Steno’s Gland Lateral nasal gland In maxillary sinus Watery secretion Kidneys Unipapilate Sexing Anogenital distance Male Five pair of nipples Os penis Female Five pair of nipples and mammary glands Two cervices Paired clitoral glands Cardiovascular Pulmonary vein Orbital venous sinus Os cordis Atrial Blood supply BALT Bronchus-associated Lymphatic tissue Foramen of Magendie Lacks Adrenal Glands Larger in female Oryctolagus cuniculus Dewlap Inguinal Pouches Pinna Large Highly vascular Skeleton Limbs Forelimb 5 digits Hindlimb 4 digits Tibia and fibula fused distil Peg Teeth Narrow Pharynx Esophagus Three layers of striated muscle Well developed esophageal sphincter Stomach Large Cardia, fundis and pylorus Sacculus rotundus Other GI Structures Large cecum Vermiform appendix Fusus coli Kidneys Unipapilate Ectopic glomeruli Male No nipples Female Bicornuate Uterus Two cervices Bulbourethral gland Heart Right AV is bicuspid BALT Bronchus-associated Lymphatic tissue Sus scrofa domestica Skin and Skeleton Skin like mans Foramen orbitorotundum Os rostrale Feet First digit absent Four digits each foot Three and four touch ground Two and five are “dew claws” Tusks Torus Pyloricus Spiral Colon Pharyngeal Diverticulum Tracheal Bronchus Penis Corkscrew penis Sigmoid flexure Preputial Diverticulum Cervix Suburethral Diverticulum Coronary Artery Anatomy Similar to man Poor collateral circulation Left Azygous Vein Aorta Aortic branching Vaso vasorum Lymph Nodes Thymus and Parathyroids Parathyroids associated with thymus Thyroid Thyroid caudal to thymus Canis familiaris General Anal sacs No clavicles Fabellae Carnassial tooth Lack palatine sinus Lateral laryngeal ventricle Reproductive System Os penis Large glans penis Os clitoridis Aortic Branching BALT Bronchus-associated Lymphatic tissue Non-Human Primates Ischial Callosities Sex Skin Eye Tapetum lucidum Macula lutea Prehensile Tail Dermatoglith Opposable Thumb Toilet Claw Cheek Pouches Teeth Marmoset’s incisors are same length as canine teeth Teeth Large canines Tooth Comb Air Sacs Air Sacs Vomernasal Organ Jacobson’s (Vomeronasal) Organ – pheromones communicate aggression or sexual attraction New world monkeys (Aotus nancymae) Males have well developed sternal scent gland which is prominent when palpating the chest Reproduction Pendulous Penis Ateles spp. pendulous clitoris Unicornuate uterus Brain Brain BREAK TIME Hamster Flank Gland Brown fat Cheek Pouches Molars Cusped molars 3 Cusps Dental caries Stomach Respiratory System Vomernasal Organ Stenson’s gland (lateral nasal gland) Kidney Unipapillate Females larger than males Right larger than left Reproductive System Os penis Tri-lobed prostate Bicornuate uterus Two cervices Heart Two major and two minor leaflets on AV valves Three leaflets on aortic and pulmonary valves Endocrine System Male adrenal larger than female Cavia porcellus Skin Anal sacs present Feet Forelimb four digits Hind limb three digits Oral Cavity Soft palate continuous with tongue Small interpharyngeal ostium Lack canine Large diastema Gastrointestinal Esophagus Undivided stomach Large cecum Respiratory System No laryngeal ventricle Incomplete mediastinum Kidney Single longitudinal papilla with lateral calyces Sexing Male and female inguinal teats Anogenital difference same Male Os penis Penile styles Female Vaginal closure membrane Two mammary glands Foa-Kurloff Cell Cardiovascular System Well developed intercornary collateral network 2-3 pairs of renal arteries Thymus Thymus reversed with thyroid Endocrine System Largest adrenal Thyroid reversed Two pairs of parathyroids Meriones spp. Gross Tail can deglove Ventral abdominal marking gland Gross Large auditory bulla Cheek pouches Kidney has long papillus Sexing Sexing by anogenital distance Ventral marking glands larger in males Females Bicornuate uterus Females have four pairs of teats Cardiovascular and Endocrine Incomplete Circle of Willis Thymus persists Supernumerary splenic tissue Large adrenal Felis cattus General Anal Sacs Has two clavicles Sacrotuberous ligament absent Nuchal ligament absent Subclavius muscle absent Teeth and Larynx Carnassial teeth No lateral laryngeal ventricle Male Glans penis has spines Backward projecting penis No vesicular gland Aortic Branching Like dog Mustela putorius furo General Pair of musk-producing glands Esophagus is all striated muscle No cecum No appendix Closed inguinal canal No seminal vesicles No prostate Cardiovascular Single innominate artery Splenic extramedullary hematopoiesis Ovis aries and Capra hircus Musculoskeletal Cornual process and diverticulum Foramen orbitorotundum Musculoskeletal Radius and ulna fused Tibia and fibula fused Four digits Subclavius muscle Gluteobiceps muscle Mouth Dental pad Gastrointestinal Tract Complex stomach Spiral colon Respiratory System Single maxillary sinus Lacrimal bulla Lateral laryngeal ventricle absent Tracheal bronchus Male Penile Pizzle Sigmoid flexure Female Long cervix Cervix has transverse folds Cardiovascular System Smallest RBC of domestic animals 3.2 um PCV 22% Left and right azygous veins Hemal lymph nodes Aortic Branching Amphibians General Salamanders can regenerate tail Teeth Vomernasal organ Skin primary respiratory surface Lungs and/or gills or none Cloaca Male Tympanum larger than eye Bidder’s organ Female Often larger than males Oviparous, ovoviviparous and viviparous Egg has no shell Cardiovascular System Larva two-chambered heart Adult three-chambered heart Lymph hearts Pair lymph sinuses located over sacral area Lateral Line System Larval and often adult stage Linear arrangement of neuromasts Fish Scales Two types Fins Dorsal Caudal Anal Paired pectoral Paired pelvic Digestive System Oral and/or pharyngeal teeth Pyloric ceca Small and large intestine indistinct Swim Bladder Gills Cardiovascular system Kidney is major site of hematopoiesis Lack Kupffer cells Melanomacrophage centers Lymph nodes absent Have Lymph hearts Heart Lateral Line Endocrine System Adrenals absent Parathyroids absent Ultimobronchial gland Corpuscles of Stannius Urophysis Pineal Gland Birds Integument Uropygial glands Preening oil Salt Glands Feathers Feathers Musculoskeletal System Large pectoral muscle Pneumatic bones Beak Some birds have teeth Most beak only Digestive tract Crop Proventriculus True stomach Gizzard Ventriculus Paired ceca Pigeon has no Gallbladder Respiratory System Interconnected air sacs Pneumatic bone continuous with air sacs No diaphragm Male Male no penis No accessory sex glands Female Left ovary and oviduct functional Male and female have cloaca Circulatory System RBCs Four-chambered heart Bursa of Fabricius Reptiles: Integument Growth Crocodilians and turtles Continuous shedding Snakes and lizards Shed skin periodically (ecdysis) Eye and Ear Snakes and some lizards lack eyelids Snakes, turtles, lizards lack ear opening Crocodilians have a tapetum lucidum Many have Harderian glands Musculoskeletal System Snake jaw Lack mandibular symphysis Snakes have 160-400 vertebrae Musculoskeletal Turtles bony shell Musculoskeletal Lizards can break off part of tail At fracture plane in caudal vertebrae Autotomy Vestigial pelvic girdles Limbless lizards Chameleons Pincer-like claws Prehensile tails Digestive System Cloaca Turtles lack teeth Digestive System Snakes and lizards have fangs Venom Gland Digestive System Forked tongues Snakes and some lizards Respiratory System Crocodilians have Basihyal valve Some have vocal cords Lack diaphragm Jacobson’s organ Olfactory Male Paired membranous hemipenes Crocodilians and turtles have fleshy penis Female Some have seminal receptacles Respiratory System Snake’s left lung is small or vestigial Circulatory System RBCs Nucleated and oval Well developed coronary artery system Left and right aortas Lizard has a midventral abdominal vein Renal portal system Heart Three-chambered Crocodilians Four-chambered Foramen of Panizza Foramen of Panizza Lymphoid System Most do not have lymph nodes Snapping turtles have lymph nodes Lymph hearts Alligators have lymphoid tissues in cloacal area Alligators have tonsils Pit Organs Snakes Thermoreceptors Anatomy Questions 1. Which of the following animals have lymph nodes that are histiologically unique in that there is an inversion of the cortex and medulla, with germinal centers located centrally rather than peripherally? a) Dog b) Horse c) Cow d) Pig 2. Canis familiaris has what type of placentation? Mesotheliochorial Endotheliochorial Epitheliochorial Microcotyledonary 3. Which of the following is FALSE regarding the rabbit kidney? a) Ectopic glomeruli are normal in the rabbit b) Difficult to cannulate c) Unipapillate d) Glomeruli increase in number after birth 4. Prosimians have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT: a) Dental combs b) Cheek pouches c) Tapetum lucidum d) Toilet claw 5. Which of the following best describes the normal musculature of the rabbit esophagus? a) 3 layers- 2 smooth, 1 striated b) 3 layers- 1 smooth, 2 striated c) 3 layers- all smooth d) 3 layers- all striated 6. Which of the following is FALSE regarding the unique anatomical characteristics of swine as a laboratory animal? a) The aorta has a true vaso vasorum. b) The blood supply from the coronary artery is left-side dominant and has preexisting collateral circulation. c) The left azygous (hemiazygous) vein drains the intercostal vessels into the coronary sinus d) The cardiovascular system is 90% similar to that of humans, especially the coronary anatomy. 7. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the mouse urogenital system? a) Unipapillate kidneys b) Inguinal rings remain open in the male c) Penis lacks an os penis d) Anogenital distance is shorter in females than males 8. Which of the following glands in the rat is analogous to the “salt glands” of murine birds? a) Harderian gland b) Steno’s gland c) Zymbals gland d) Brunner’s gland 9. Which of the following animals lack a gall bladder? a) Pigeon b) Rat c) Multimamate rat d) all the above 10. The permanent dental formula for the mouse is: a) 2(I 2/1, C 0/0, P 3/2, M 2-3/3)= 26 or 28 b) 2(I 1/1, C 0/0, P 0/0, M 3/3)= 16 c) 2(I 1/1, C 0/0, P 1/1, M 3/3)= 20 d) 2(I 0/3, C 0/1, P 0/3, M4/4)= 30 11. Which of the following is NOT considered a compartment of the forestomach in ruminants? a) Abomasum b) Omasum c) Rumen d) Reticulum 12. The two subfamilies of New World Monkeys that possess a prehensile tail with a tactile pad are: a) Cebinae and Pitheciinae b) Aotinae and Callicebinae c) Alouattinae and Atelinae d) Cercopithecinae and Colobinae 13. All of the following are charateristics of adult Xenopus laevis EXCEPT: a) Claws on the hind feet b) Paired dorsal lymph sacs c) Neuromasts arranged into a lateral line system d) Absence of a tongue 14. Larval amphibians are similar to______ in that they have a ____-chamber heart; whereas most adult amphibians have a ____-chamber heart similar to ______. a) Reptiles, two; three, birds b) Birds, three; four, mammals c) Fish, two; three, reptiles d) Fish, three; four, reptiles 15. Of the following below, which is a unique feature of the cardiovascular system of the rabbit, specifically the heart? a) The aorta has a true vaso vasorum like that of humans. b) The right atrioventricular valve of the heart has only two cusps, rather than three as in many other mammals. c) Blood supply from the coronary artery is right-side dominant. d) Blood supply to the atria is largely extracoronary from branches of the internal mammary and subclavian arteries. 16. Which of the following animals like humans have bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT)? a) Rat b) Dog c) Mouse d) a and b 17. The Rabbits skeleton is very fragile, representing only 8% of its body weight. Therefore, if a rabbit is not securely held when picked up, their kicking can result in a vertebral fracture most commonly at the _____ lumbar vertebrae. a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7 18. The proximal and distal colon in the rabbit is divided by which of the following? a) Appendix b) Fusus coli c) Sacculus rotundus d) Limiting ridge 19. The term “Ecdysis” refers to what? a) Parturition b) Shedding of the teeth c) Shedding of the skin d) Shedding of the tail 20. Which of the following anatomical structures is absent in swine? a) Preputial diverticulum b) Preputial glands c) Torus pyloricus d) Pharyngeal diverticulum

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212 page (slide) Veterinary DVM UNIQUE ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY Presentation on CD212 page (slide) Veterinary DVM UNIQUE ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY Presentation on CD212 page (slide) Veterinary DVM UNIQUE ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY Presentation on CD

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